Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

It’s Canada’s 150th Birthday and the Tree Society of Creemore is celebrating by planting more trees in a special effort to continue the “greening up” of the village.

Our goal is to add $15,000 in new trees in strategic locations throughout Creemore to expand the green canopy the village is famous for. To help meet this goal we are planning a Silent Auction to raise the necessary funds.

The auction is on Saturday, May 20 at Station on the Green, Creemore, during the opening day of the Creemore Farmers’ Market. Come visit us inside after you’ve strolled the vendor stalls and checked out their homemade and locally grown produce. Inside the Station you’ll find a variety of items to place your bids on. This year we have chosen a theme that celebrates our area attractions and businesses. We have received a generous variety of items and services including recreation packages, gardening supplies, lifestyle services and more to bid on.

Bidding will take place from 8:30 a.m. to noon in the Station. Items will be distributed to the winning bidders from noon to 1 p.m.

If you are a business and offer a product or service and you would like to donate to the auction it’s not too late. Please contact the Tree Society at for more information.

It looks to be a great day to be out and about Creemore on the Saturday of the Victoria Day weekend. We hope to see you there!

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