Sunday, February 16th, 2025

Who doesn’t want to get a bargain when buying plants?

The place to be is The Station on the Green on Saturday, May 27 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., where the Creemore Horticultural Society’s annual plant sale is taking place.

This plant sale is one of the largest held in the area and has a reputation for some unusual specimens for sale, plus many plants from Creemore’s Horticultural Park.

This event is the Horticultural Society’s largest fundraiser of the year. The funds raised from this sale are used to look after the Horticultural Park, Grandmother’s Garden and the Library garden.

All plants are donated by our members, friends and neighbours and potted up by our faithful volunteers at a central location. There is a core group of members who do most of the heavy lifting, that is digging out plants when requested, dividing large clumps of plants and driving wherever plants are available. Other members help out as they can, so it is a real collaborative effort by all concerned.

The plants are loaded onto a large flatbed trailer by volunteers and one of our biggest supporters, Bob Ransier delivers them to the Station on the day before where volunteers wait to unload them to their respective tables in the Station. All plants are labelled and priced individually and sorted according to their needs, either full sun, shade, etc. We are fortunate to have a Master Gardener and a Horticulturist available to identify plants as most arrive without that information. There are volunteers who do set up, pricing, haul plants for customers and clean-up. And, most important, the cashiers who keep track of the finances. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes and as many members as possible help in some way to make this event a success.

As an extra fundraiser this year, the Society is selling 10-inch pots of geraniums in shades of red, pink and white, just in time to celebrate Canada’s 150th birthday. Again, all proceeds are used to keep Creemore’s Parks beautiful. Thank you all for supporting these endeavours.

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