The Simcoe County District School Board trustee representing Clearview and Collingwood has resigned.
On May 10, the board accepted the resignation of Annie Chandler, with regret and best wishes.
“I have truly enjoyed my experience as an education trustee,” said Chandler in a statement. “I continue to be amazed by the innovative programs and supports in our schools. As I now take time with my family I plan to stay involved in an unofficial capacity and wish only the best for our teachers, administrators, students and their families. In our public education system, I encourage parents and communities to continue to advocate for what you believe is in the best interest of our students. It has been a pleasure to work with my fellow trustees and the administration at the SCDSB and I wish everyone all the best moving forward.”
A replacement will be named through an appointment process.
As outlined in the Education Act, applicants must meet all of the following requirements: a Canadian citizen; age 18 or over; a resident within Simcoe County; a public school elector; not legally prohibited from voting; and not disqualified by any legislation from holding school board office (e.g., an employee of any school board).
Applications with full details regarding qualifications, experience and interests should be submitted to the Director’s Office c/o Deb Foster, Executive Assistant – Board by noon on Thursday, June 1. Applicants will be required to make a brief presentation to the Board before the appointment is made. Please direct inquiries to Deb Foster, 705-734-6363, ext. 11231 or at