The Creemore Echo is halfway through its annual subscription drive and we thank everyone for supporting our ongoing efforts to keep our local, independent newspaper in circulation.
We will be at the Creemore Farmersʼ Market again this Saturday to accept subscriptions. Subscribe online, come by or pop into The Creemore Echo office during regular hours.
New subscribers and champions:
Jim & Lisa Houston
Henry Greisman
Carol & Jeremy Ray
Champions since May 25:
Alex Miller
Anna Hobbs & Byron Beeler
Charles Moses
Deirdre Pringle & John Shore
Chris Martin
Catherine & Tony Fry
Virginia & Chris Key
Judy Simmonds
Boosters since May 25:
Susan & Chris Portner
Wendy & Rolf Schellenberg
Shanna & Walter Lucas
Agnes & Bob Charlton
Sandy & Scott McKay
Donald Webster
Bob Ransier