There will be a new principal at Nottawasaga and Creemore Public School in the fall.
Alison Golding is being transferred to Holly Meadows Elementary School in Barrie.
Mark McCain, a vice principal from Birchview Dunes Elementary School in Wasaga Beach, will be the new principal at NCPS.
The shuffle was part of administrator appointments approved at the Simcoe County District School Board meeting on May 24.
“During my last two years at Creemore, I have had the opportunity to work with so many amazing students, staff, families and community members. I am looking forward to the opportunities that await at my new school, however, as this community is well aware, Creemore is truly a special place to live and work, offering unique opportunities to our students and families and I feel blessed to have been a part of it,” wrote Golding in this week’s school newsletter.
“I am thankful for the exceptional and dedicated staff who always have the best interests of the students in mind. They put their hearts into helping our students to be challenged, encouraged, and excited to learn. I am also thankful for our supportive families and community partners. Last, but not least, our students are the best. They truly embody the traits of learners, supporters and they are full of pride for our school, truly embodying our motto, ‘We choose to be learners, to be supporters and to be proud’. I really enjoy working each day with all of our students. It takes a village to raise a child and all of these partnerships are integral in making NCPS the warm and friendly place that it is.”
Golding said it has been her privilege to see and be a part of the teaching garden, the “Stay and Play” Program in partnership with Ontario Early Years, Breakfast with Santa, Artists in the Classroom, instrumental music, the annual school spirit hockey game, Paint the Town Pink, intermediate woodworking and the planning of the school’s 50th anniversary on June 8.
McCain will be visiting the school on June 6 and that evening he will be attending the last school council meeting of the year, in the library at 6 p.m.