Students in Grades 6, 7, and 8 at New Lowell Central Public School, under the leadership of teacher Ms. Hartley, have been working on a media project involving the topic of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit.
They have been studying important topics including treaties, land loss, residential schools, the sixties scoop, and missing indigenous women. They have been using the power of media to raise awareness of these issues and through these projects hope to support the reconciliation process.
Thanks to the generosity of the Clearview Public Library, these projects are currently on display at each of the branches through June 9. A painted jar is displayed at each branch to collect encouraging messages for any First Nation, Metis, or Inuit person who is struggling. Called the Message of Hope Initiative, these inspiring messages will be posted by the students on the We Matter website where those who need encouragement can go to read what has been written.
Please visit your local Clearview Public Library Branch and to see what the students have been working on and participate in their Messages of Hope Initiative.
– submitted by Helena Hayward
Contributed photo: New Lowell Central School students Alex Dubeck, Josie Fachnie, Wilson Nippard, Isabel McCann and Ella Hayward are participating in the We Matter Campaign. Their projects are on display at Clearview’s libraries until June 9.