How big does a crime have to be before it is considered worthy of criminal justification?
This is a question in a case for a dear friend of mine who had her safe space attacked. While she suffered no physical trauma, mental anguish can be just as painful. The attack came in the form of a theft.
This friend had constructed lovely little fairy gardens complete with plants, houses and all the little things that fairies need to call their house a home.
There is a saying that if you build it, they will come. I believe that this would be true for many a thing.
Remember the Cottingley Fairy photos? Although they were eventually found to be fake, except one, you can hardly dismiss the idea that fairies do exist.
It is like the ghost stories, everything that is told must be based on something that has happened, whether you chose to believe or not is up to you. So, here are these lovely little domains all set up for the little nymphs, gnomes and fairies to enjoy, when lo and behold bandits come right onto the front porch of my friend and steal – yes, steal, all the little pieces, not once, but twice.
My friend, hearing the noise (a light sleeper), looked out her bedroom window and saw the criminal act taking place.
Fear is a mighty strong feeling and stopped her from taking any action. She did however see the vehicle that was stopped just outside her driveway and saw the woman going back to said vehicle. It was a yellow boxy type of jeep thing.
Well, if once wasn’t enough, this thievery happened yet again.
This time it was a couple who simply walked up and helped themselves to the rest of the little objects.
Now, you might think, big deal, it’s only fairy furniture and little animals, but that is not the point.
The point is that my friend’s space was invaded, a safe haven, no longer feeling quite as safe as it did before.
The crime has been reported and the criminals were seen. You know who you are, return the objects to make amends, not only to my friend, but to all the little fairies you stripped of their creature comforts.