Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

BA Johnston has been long-listed for the Polaris Music Prize once again, this time for his 2017 album Gremlins III.

“This album differs from the other stink burgers in B.A.ʼs catalogue as it includes an actual backing band on six tracks (the talented Reaguns Rayguns from Saint John, NB). On top of this, every single song features actual instruments played by actual musicians, and not just the talentless B.A. Johnston,” states a press release issued at the time the album launched.

The Polaris Music Prize is a not-for-profit organization with a mission to honour, celebrate and reward creativity and diversity in Canadian recorded music by recognizing and marketing albums “of the highest artistic integrity, without regard to musical genre, professional affiliation, or sales history, as judged by a panel of selected music critics.”

Forty albums are on the list. A short list of 10 albums will be released on July 13 and the Canadian album of the year is announced at a gala on Sept. 18. Johnston also made the list in 2015.

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