Wednesday, February 12th, 2025

Great news of Eileen Nash, who is home from therapy following a stroke. She moved to Blue Mountain Manor this week. Best wishes for continued good health Eileen.

We are thinking of Mercedes Veinot who suffered a major stroke and was taken to RVH and then to Sunnybrook. After a week she was returned to RVH on Wednesday wishing her continued improvement and return home soon.

Welcome to Kathy McKenzie who came with Betty Bartlett.

Norm Nordstrom from the Legion invited the seniors to view an amazing display of flags and memorabilia in the hall. Lee Anning had assembled Canadian flags and many items dating back to 1855 for a display for Canada Day.

We had 35 members out for cards and 50/50 draws were won by June Hartley, Jim Rigney, Peter Gubbels, Lillian Hiltz, Marg Ferguson, and Carol Tymchuk.

Four Moon Shots were played by Janice Stephens, Peter Gubbels, Alinda Bishop, and Gerry Long who won the travel prize.

Prizes for cards were Marcia Cameron, 294; Peter Gubbels, 291; Marion Kelly, 256; and low went to Pat Broad, 109. The lucky chair was empty.

There are all kinds of peace in our world. There is peace of death, the peace of Tibet where a nation has been conquered by a neighboring country, the peace of the tranquilizer at work, there are all kinds of peace induced, artificial and temporary. So Longfellow wrote, “And in despair I bowed my head. There is no peace on earth… For hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men.”

Remember: Be thankful for today, because in one moment your entire life could change.

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