Thursday, January 23rd, 2025

Eight new stop signs will be installed in Creemore in response to residents’ concerns about speeding and pedestrian safety.

Clearview council agreed to several actions Monday to address traffic concerns voiced by a number of residents living on Creemore’s east side. Jeremy Ray, Linda Coulter, Doug Mills and Caitlin Sumner spoke in support of Deputy Mayor Barry Burton’s motion to create community safety zones, doubling fines for speeding, on Mill Street, from County Road 9 to George Street, and on George Street, from Concession 3 to Mill Street.

Council also agreed to add stop signs along Mary Street, creating four-way stops at Edward Street East and George Street, and another at Library Street and Elizabeth Street East, and a three-way stop at Francis Street East and Mary.

Council also agreed to paint ‘SLOW DOWN’ on the pavement at the end of Mill Street and on the east end of George Street and the north end of Collingwood Street.

The stop signs and painting are estimated to cost $5,600.

A group of concerned citizens, many of whom were represented at the meeting, began advocating for reduced speed limits and additional stop signs last year, especially in the areas without sidewalks. They circulated a petition and gathered more than 100 signatures.

“The 100 people who signed the petition can’t be wrong,” said Ray.

Residents said with narrow streets, a lack of sidewalks, and very little police enforcement, traffic is a concern even if the evidence doesn’t support their claims. Coulter said there are specific concerns around the nursing home on Mary Street, which is an unhindered route in and out of town.

Councillor Shawn Davidson said council was facing a “political decision” in that Burton’s motion is in response to a community concern.

“Has anyone talked to the BIA about this?,” he asked. “Do they really want big words painted on the asphalt? I don’t live there so I only have to see it a few times a year.”

He and Connie Leishman agreed that making traffic stop more may cause more noise but Burton said, the issue is not about noise, it’s about speed.

Councillor Robert Walker was opposed to the plan.

He said putting up signs won’t solve anything without enforcement and police aren’t in the area because they don’t have data to support the claim there is a speeding problem and that adding signs may create more of a hazard.

“It may sound like I don’t care but I do care…” said Walker. “I cannot support all these signs being thrown up.”

“We have an obligation to represent the people who live there,” said Burton.

He said residents are looking for a solution to a Creemore specific problem, to make the neighbourhood safer.

The motion’s seven actions were voted on separately with varying levels of support but they all passed.

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