Chair of RAYS, Judy Alexander, welcomed more than 50 people to her home recently to recognize scholarship and bursary award recipients, their parents, sponsors, board and committee members.
She also presented the new logo to them saying, “It’s appropriate today to show you the new logo for RAYS which means Resources for Area Youth Success since everyone in attendance is here to support our youth in their success and for our youth to receive their awards.”
James McSherry, scholarship committee chair announced, “We had 16 RAYS scholarship applications this year with all four of our target high schools participating. We interviewed six finalists and chose three recipients who excelled in all of our key selection criteria.”
McSherry introduced Rylie Farness, Chelsea Martin-Vandervecht, and Tim Speyer as the three recipients of the 2019 scholarship awards. Each scholarship is for $20,000 payable over four years. McSherry then introduced Amy Hinchey, a 2018 RAYS scholarship recipient who is going into her second year at Carleton University in Global and International Studies. Hinchey explained what the support from RAYS means to her. She said, “RAYS relieves some of my financial stress and provides a really supportive network for me. It has allowed me the freedom to be more involved with school being active in the Student Society, and this year, becoming a director.” She added, “This past year I completed an internship as an administrative assistant with a Member of Parliament in Ottawa that gave me so much hands-on experience. I believe it’s what you learn in the classroom along with opportunities outside of the classroom that shape who you really want to be.”
Nick Forrest, bursary committee chair, awarded eight new bursaries to Emily Arsenault, Maguire Blackmere, Kyla Bourne, Emily Halfyard, Aiden McKenzie, Allison McLeod, Jim Palmer, and Danielle Wickens, and a second year bursary to Hannah Stockford and was delighted that all but one 2019 recipient, Ryan Gillis and one second year recipient, Adam Lloyd could not be in attendance.
Two bursaries to Allison Fachnie and Krystyne Melenhorst were awarded last January.
Forrest said, “We’re thrilled to gather the funds and support from the community to offer 12 bursaries a year. Many of these students may come back and work in our community once they’ve completed their programs.”
Above: 2019 RAYS scholarship award recipients (from left): Tim Speyer, James McSherry (Chair of Scholarship Committee) Chelsea Martin-Vandervecht, and Rylee Farness.
Top: RAYS bursary award recipients (from left): Maguire Blackmere, Emily Halfyard, Danielle Wickens, Hannah Stockford, Aiden McKenzie, Allison McLeod, Jim Palmers, Kyla Bourne and Emily Arsenault. Absent from the photo are 2019 bursary recipient Ryan Gillis and 2018 recipient Adam Lloyd.