Monday, January 13th, 2025

Dr. Charles Gardner, Medical Officer of Health, Simcoe Muskoka District Health Unit, says local resident are doing well to control the spread of COVID-19 but we will have to keep it up as cases continue to rise.
The health unit is reporting 233 cases in the region – 217 of those are in Simcoe County and 16 are in the district of Muskoka. Of those, 116 have recovered 65 are self-isolating, 12 are in hospital and 15 have died.
Community acquired cases outweigh the travel case 83-53. The age group most affected, continues to be those 35-64.
“More and more, we are concerned about community acquisition as a mean of getting this infection, that there is an indication it is transmitting in the community, that there can be asymptomatic cases – people without symptoms – that it can transmit to others and so it’s important that people continue to exercise the physical distancing…” said Gardner in his weekly briefings.
He reminds residents to self monitor for symptoms and seek testing. A laboratory confirmed case prompts the health unit to follow up with all known contacts.
“If you look at the epi-curve it looks quite flat, which is a good thing. We continue to get cases, in the range of 10 cases per day. It’s a good thing that it doesn’t continue to mount and get ever greater over time but we are leveling and flattening the curve and that’s due to the excellent work that all of you are doing to maintain your physical distancing… to break the chain of transmission.”
Gardner said the controls will be needed for some weeks to come.
He said although we are fortunate to not have a surge, there are outbreaks in long-term care facilities. The health unit, as per provincial standards, are now testing everyone at long-term care facilities in an outbreak and to work through testing all facilities.
There are 40 confirmed cases at Bradford Valley, including 10 staff members, and one staff member at both Woods Park Care Centre and I.O.O.F. (Odd Fellow and Rebekah Home), both in Barrie, have tested positive.
The health unit has posted a lot of information on its website, In addition to all the stats, residents will find information about how to properly wear a non-medical mask and how to shop safely.

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