Monday, January 13th, 2025
Infrastructure should be the number one priority for Clearview Township, according to a report presented to council Monday.

The report tabled by CAO John Ferguson outlines five priorities emerging from a recent review of the township’s 2017 Strategic Plan, intended to guide decisions for the next five to 10 years. The document incorporates public and stakeholder input gained through a series of meetings held throughout the spring and summer and more than 600 responses to an online survey conducted in July and August.

Council held a workshop Oct. 4 where members worked on a vision statement, mission statement and the priorities.

“Then we asked ourselves, does it line up with the community? and I believe it does,” said Ferguson.

Council arrived at the mission statement: “Clearview Township will plan with our community to enhance our local environment and economy through improved communication and innovation. We will build new infrastructure to support more housing and outdoor spaces through sustainable growth while protecting our agricultural nature. We will embrace our lifestyles, culture, recreational opportunities, and welcome visitors and newcomers. We will enhance our working and living environment for citizens and businesses.”

Mayor Doug Measures says the infrastructure bucket includes everything from roads and bridges to water and sewers and affordable housing.

Recreation came in as the second priority and councillors elected to combine it with culture as the two are so closely linked.

Priority number three is communication. There were many comments received indicating citizens weren’t aware of the original Strategic Plan and had not been engaged with the process. Measures says, “Perhaps that indicates a communication failure so we will make sure communications are highlighted going forward.”

Climate is identified as the fourth priority. This will be seen as a victory by members of the Clearview Sustainability Network, a citizen-led group formed to come up with climate action items that can be tackled at the municipal level. Measures says all citizens need to be aware that climate change is happening and our leaders have an important role to play. He asked “How can we as a municipality help to protect persons and property by making strategic decisions and capital decisions and taking appropriate actions?”

The final priority identified in the report is support for core businesses which in Clearview means agriculture and related activities.

Now that the report has been received, staff will work to identify initiatives to support the priorities identified and report back to council with recommendations.

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