Monday, January 13th, 2025

As part of a process of updating and refining flood hazard mapping in Creemore, the public is invited to comment on the findings of an Upper Mad River Flood Hazard Study led by the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA).

Officials say the main objective of the project is to produce new flood hazard maps for the community of Creemore in accordance with current provincial and federal mapping guidelines through the detailed analysis of flooding dynamics and flood hazards.

Several years ago, the NVCA initiated a watershed-wide flood risk assessment, which identified and prioritized ‘flood damage centres’ within the Nottawasaga watershed based on flood event warning time, population impacts, affected roads for pedestrian access and vehicle access, and expected annual damages.

NVCA partnered with the Government of Canada (Natural Resources Canada) and the Province of Ontario (Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry) as part of the Flood Hazard Identification and Mapping Program (FHIMP) to develop flood hazard maps for municipalities and territories. The Township of Clearview provided the remaining 50 per cent of funding to match the funding received through FHIMP.

The study provides NVCA and the township with detailed analysis of flooding dynamics and flood hazards, and further establishes the areas in the settlement of Creemore that are safe from natural hazards such as flooding.

“Our council is pleased to support the work being done to update flood hazard mapping through the Creemore settlement area,” said Mayor Doug Measures. “This study will greatly improve our knowledge of the Mad River and support our planning for future growth in an area that many long-time residents know too well – the damage that can come from a flood.”

Creemore has had a history of flooding since the early 1900s, said NVCA CAO Doug Hevenor.

Staff say model results are well- supported by documented historical flooding events observed by the NVCA at the south limits of the village of Creemore between Mill Street and Mary Street, in the fields located between County Road 9 and Edward Street, Edward Street to Concession 3 as well as within the village of Avening.

The Mad River subwatershed drains an area of 252 km2. The subwatershed study area extends 26 km from its farthest headwaters to its outlet point upstream of Glencairn. The primary reach within the study area passes through the villages of Creemore and Avening.

The draft study will be available on NVCA’s website on Feb. 22 for public review and comment. A Public Information Centre (PIC) will be held at the Creemore arena from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Feb. 29. The PIC will feature a live demonstration of the flood model results and will provide additional information on the project. Staff from the township, NVCA and the consulting firm Aquafor Beech Limited will be available to answer questions.

The commenting period will be open until March 15.

To comment on the Flood Hazard Study, please email Dalia Al-Ali, manager, engineering services at NVCA at

For more information, visit www.

NVCA photo: Flooding in east Creemore, south of County Road 9.

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