100 Men Who Care Southern Georgian Bay donates to support Breaking Down Barriers

 In Community, Uncategorised

At its September meeting, 100 Men Who Care Southern Georgian Bay chose to support Breaking Down Barriers Independent Living Resource Centre (BDB) by donating over $11,300 to support project HUG associated with their Connecting with Seniors Program.

BDB is run by and for people with disabilities on the basis of its Independent Living Philosophy, a philosophy which promotes seeing the person, not the disability. BDB supports persons from all walks of life with either physical (visible) disabilities or invisible disabilities (emotional, intellectual, cognitive) whether congenital or diagnosed or due to an accident. BDB is, at its core, a resource centre offering both its own unique programming or helping its clients find other Community partners appropriate for their needs. BDB’s programs, services and supports are designed to be economically barrier free; they are free, promote inclusion and alleviate isolation by staying connected.

Project HUG, an acronym for How U Give: Seniors Contributing Through Leadership Opportunities, is part of BDB’s Connecting with Senior’s Program, designed to help seniors stay involved and connected. The program, for example, has trained close to 2,500 Seniors to use iPads, create e-mails and use Zoom/virtual team skills. Project HUG is intended to create a forum to “give back” through a rotation of monthly senior- led program activities, that, through the distribution of activity kits, will allow registrants to not just attend, but to participate.

“We are pleased to support BDB and, in particular, it’s HUG project,” said John Kutcy, Leadership Team Member, 100 Men Who Care Southern Georgian Bay. “This project will support an average of 140-200 participants a month (1,680-2,400 in a year), the funds will directly support all costs for program supplies and we hope it will reignite old passions or create new ones in those who participate.”

“We are grateful for the support from the 100 Men Who Care Southern Georgian Bay. The generosity from this group of caring men is so wonderful for our community especially for charities like BDB,” said Breaking Down Barriers executive director Teresa Gal.

For more information, visit breakingdownbarriers.ca.

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