Students participate in Movember activities
To start off our column this week, report cards are going home with students on Friday, Nov. 11 and there is a P.A. Day on Nov. 18. Every year, our school has an event that takes place in November called Movember. This usually means that lots of kids around the school walk around wearing paper […]
NCPS parent-teacher conferences Nov. 17-18
On Friday, Sept. 23, the Great Northern Exhibition (GNE) hosted an education day, where schools from nearby areas came and learned about farming and agriculture, maple syrup, animals, and even machinery. Select classes from NCPS got to tour around the GNE fairgrounds, learning about those things, and they also got to purchase some of the […]
NCPS hosts area cross-country meet
Nottawasaga and Creemore Public School hosted a cross-country running competition Wednesday when over 10 schools gathered and had a massive race. These schools were St. Noel, Admiral, New Lowell public school, Clearview Meadows, Cameron Street Public School, Connaught, Mountain View, Bing, Worsley, Birchview Dunes, and of course, Nottawasaga and Creemore Public School. Eight races were […]
NCPS open house Sept. 29
Aaaand we’re back! Hello readers, you’ve probably seen the copious amounts of back to school advertisements, and realized that the new school season is in full effect. So, as the leaves on the trees ever so slowly turn yellow, I get back into the habit of writing a column every couple weeks. This year started […]
NCPS students on the hunt for pink
On April 13, the school had a pink shirt day scavenger hunt, where students walked around Creemore in groups, looking for clues to solve a riddle. Participating businesses displayed a clue in their window, as well as decorating their window with pink objects. The school received a donation for the forest of reading program. In […]
NCPS students selling cupcakes for Humane Society fundraiser
On Monday, Feb. 29, the school will be selling cupcakes at nutrition breaks for the national cupcake day. All of the funds are going to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society, and different classes will be called down at different times. (For example, Grades 3-5 would be called down at first break and Grades 6-8 would […]
Students collect Canadian Tire money for refugees
In case you didn’t know, the school offers a breakfast and snack program for students who run out of lunch or are hungry every day. There are currently over 25 students taking part in the program, and if anyone in the community is interested, donations would be greatly accepted. Acceptable donations are fresh fruit, eggs, […]
NCPS welcomes awesome author
An author came to the school on Nov. 25. His name is Neil Pasricha, an international bestselling author, and he is the author of The Book of Awesome, The Book of Even More Awesome and The Journal of Awesome. He showed off his new interactive realistic book, titled Awesome is Everywhere. I managed to get […]
Police recover device stolen from NCPS
Hi, I’m Martin Hewitt. I will be doing a column on things happening around the school, so if your kid doesn’t tell you anything about his day, you can turn to this part. (Side note: this won’t be a weekly column. Stuff doesn’t happen that often.) It will be called NCPS News. Recently, a work-to-rule, […]