What difference does a year make?
Well folks, it’s been a long, strange trip from last January, when we started this challenge, to this month. Never in a million years did we expect a pandemic to unfold in real time as we took on this project, and we’re hoping that we are seeing the tail end of COVID-19 as we wrap […]
Climate Action Challenge: destination anywhere
You’re probably not jumping in the car and heading to Florida this year (at least I really hope you’re not), but, even so, your regular commute and incidental driving can really add up to disaster for our planet. Compound that by the massive increase in online shopping, which explodes at-home deliveries, and we are managing […]
Climate Action Challenge: home energy savings
While we are all spending so much time at home, you may be tired of staring at the same four walls. We thought it was time to talk about energy savings that are quick and simple. Not only will they save energy, but in the end, they will save you money too. Did you know […]
Climate Action Challenge: The New Year is a great time to de-clutter
If you’re anything like me, January makes you feeling all purgey – that’s a new word I just invented. It means wanting to get rid of all the cluttery stuff in your house as quickly as possible. With the December rush now finished, we’re heading into January with a similar mindset. Less buying stuff. More […]
Climate Action Challenge: Rethink consumerism
As the holidays approach, it’s easy to get swept up in the frenzy of buying, cooking, eating, repeat. So, this month, we’re looking at ways we can rethink December. This pandemic has required us to do a lot of creative thinking this year, and this holiday will be like no other. Let’s focus on what’s […]
Climate Action Challenge: Meat and deforestation
We’re really sorry if this month’s article riles up some of you, because we’re pretty sure it will. But, bear with us. We come in peace. And, the goal of these challenges is to raise awareness, and to look at things from a different perspective. So, get ready folks. We’re talking about meat and deforestation. […]
Climate Action Challenge: Green gratitude
We’re pretty lucky to live in a place as awesome as Canada. Despite the many challenges and differences of opinion we have, we manage to get along pretty well together as a society. Most of us have everything we need. And yet, many of us are stressed, anxious, and overwhelmed. There’s a theory about this. […]
Climate action challenge: Transportation
As kids head back to school, and many people head back to work, we’re shifting our focus to transportation. One of the major contributors to climate change, transportation is another place we can rethink our footprint, and get ourselves on the right track (pun totally intended). In 2018, 25 per cent of Canada’s gHg emissions […]
Climate action challenge: What’s on your plate?
The past pandemic months have brought many issues into clear focus. One of them is how reliant we are on other countries for our food supply. We are lucky to live upon some of the most fertile and productive soil on the planet. The unfortunate part is that, since it is so abundant, we haven’t […]
Building a shiny new normal
There is a lot of dialogue around what reopening the economy looks like, and what’s the best way to do it. One thing we know for sure – a return to normal isn’t possible. Nor is it desirable. Because let’s face it: normal was a crisis. With the pandemic’s devastation coupled with the collapse of […]